How Setting Intentions Can Improve Your Health

As the weeks and months slip by after making New Year’s resolutions, your long-term goals may have faded along with your motivation. Life gets in the way as we focus on our current tasks. Have you felt the frustration of setting goals only to disappoint yourself after you couldn’t reach them? Here are some ways that setting intentions rather than goals can improve your health.
Mindset Change
In order to maintain a healthier lifestyle, it is important to set goals. Typically, you will have a goal of losing weight. However, this tends to focus on the long term. Often, it is easy to become distracted and ignore these goals. However, by setting daily intentions, you are more likely to gradually improve your health. How does this happen? Instead of focusing on losing weight in three months, focus your intention on enjoying a light jog in the park. One challenge of setting intentions is that they are more challenging to achieve than goals. Here are a few tips to help you set intentions.
Decide What To Work On
Do you feel overwhelmed when trying to choose a workout plan or purchase only organic groceries at the store? Trying to do too much at one time often leads to failure. Choose an area to make small, attainable goals. Something like, I will go for a walk three times this week. You will feel accomplished each time you establish goals and achieve them.
Set Reasonable Challenges
Make a 30-day challenge for yourself once you’ve completed a few of your smaller goals. If you’re trying to eat healthier, set a goal to only dine out twice a month or watch some tutorials on how to make a healthy dinner. Over time, small lifestyle modifications will result in significant improvements.
Find What You Enjoy
Don’t live your life dreading the process of becoming healthier. It is important to find activities and meals that are enjoyable for you. Positive mindsets help you focus on the good of an activity. So try to continue to cultivate a positive attitude to help you further your health goals.
Be Kind To Yourself
Finally, be kind to yourself. As humans, it is completely normal to begin to improve ourselves only to fall back into bad habits. Don’t allow yourself to become discouraged. Instead, move on and begin again. When you set your health-conscious intentions, give yourself room to breathe, and don’t be afraid to keep trying again and again.
Contact Us
Taking steps to clean up your lifestyle, no matter how small, will always be beneficial. At Intuitive Health Restoration, we work on any issues the body may have during the healing process your body is making. A well-rounded program works the best: one that cleans the gut, the organs, promotes drainage, and handles the neuroendocrine system. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take a positive step towards health restoration.