SHAPE ReClaimed FAQs: Get the Answers Before You Enroll

Considering SHAPE Reclaimed for your weight loss journey? We will dive into all your pressing questions and give you answers on cost, program structure, results, and more!

What exactly is SHAPE Reclaimed?

SHAPE Reclaimed is a holistic weight loss program that goes beyond simple dieting. It emphasizes the importance of building a positive relationship with food, breaking unhealthy habits, and fostering a mindset of self-acceptance. The program offers online courses, a mobile app for support, and personalized coaching to help guide you on your journey.

Can SHAPE Reclaimed work for my specific needs?

The program is designed to be adaptable for individuals with various dietary restrictions, including vegan, gluten-free, and those with allergies. It’s also suitable for people at different fitness levels, whether you’re a beginner or more advanced.

Does SHAPE Reclaimed focus on a specific diet?

Yes, SHAPE Reclaimed advocates for a whole-food, plant-based approach to eating. This means prioritizing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds while minimizing processed foods, animal products, and added sugars.

How much support is included with SHAPE Reclaimed?

The program offers a range of support options to help you stay motivated and on track. You’ll have access to online courses, a mobile app, and personalized coaching for guidance and accountability.

What kind of results can I expect from SHAPE Reclaimed?

SHAPE Reclaimed emphasizes sustainable weight loss and long-term lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes. While individual results will vary, the program focuses on helping you build healthy habits that lead to lasting changes in your weight and overall well-being.

I have dietary restrictions. Can I still participate in SHAPE Reclaimed?

Yes! SHAPE Reclaimed can be adapted to suit various needs. Mention your specific restrictions (vegan, gluten-free, allergies) when enrolling, and your coach will help you customize the meal plans and offer suitable alternatives.

I'm not very fit. Is SHAPE Reclaimed suitable for beginners?

Definitely. While the program encourages movement, it’s designed for all fitness levels. You’ll receive guidance on gradually increasing activity in a way that feels safe and sustainable for you.

How long does the SHAPE Reclaimed program last?

The core SHAPE Reclaimed program includes 12 weeks of active coaching. However, the emphasis is on building lifelong habits, so the mindset shifts and tools you learn will continue to benefit you long after the official program ends.

I've tried other weight loss programs and failed. How is SHAPE Reclaimed different?

SHAPE Reclaimed goes beyond just diet and exercise. It digs into your relationship with food, helps you break unhealthy patterns, and emphasizes self-compassion. This holistic approach fosters sustainable changes for long-term success.

Does SHAPE Reclaimed cater to emotional eating?

Yes! The program recognizes that emotional eating is a significant factor for many individuals. It includes strategies and tools to help you identify triggers, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and cultivate a mindful relationship with food.

Does SHAPE Reclaimed require specific supplements or meal replacements?

No. The focus is on whole foods and creating nutritious, satisfying meals. While supplements may be discussed depending on your individual needs, they are never a requirement for participating in the program.

How is progress tracked within SHAPE Reclaimed?

The program emphasizes tracking progress beyond just the weight on the scale. You’ll be encouraged to monitor factors like your energy levels, mood, food cravings, and how your clothes fit. This approach fosters a greater awareness of the various ways your body is changing.

What happens after the 12-week program ends?

SHAPE Reclaimed aims to equip you with the tools for ongoing weight maintenance and healthy living. While the formal coaching concludes, you’ll still have access to resources and can explore continued support options if desired.

How much time does SHAPE Reclaimed require each day?

In the initial stages, expect to dedicate some time to learning new concepts and adjusting your routines. However, the program is designed for flexibility. You’ll work with your coach to set a realistic and sustainable time commitment that fits your lifestyle.

I struggle with portion control. Will SHAPE Reclaimed teach me how to manage this?

Definitely. The program includes education on portion sizes and strategies for mindful eating. You’ll learn how to listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues and build satisfying meals that support your weight loss goals.

Does SHAPE Reclaimed involve calorie counting or strict food restrictions?

While you’ll gain an awareness of calories, the focus is on whole-food choices rather than rigid counting. The program doesn’t forbid specific foods but guides you toward making nourishing choices that naturally promote weight loss.

Will I regain the weight once I finish SHAPE Reclaimed?

The program’s emphasis is on creating lasting lifestyle changes that extend beyond the 12-week core period. By adopting new habits, building a healthier relationship with food, and learning self-management skills, you’ll be well-equipped for sustainable weight maintenance.

I'm worried about feeling deprived on SHAPE Reclaimed. Is it enjoyable?

The program focuses on the abundance of delicious and satisfying whole foods. You’ll be encouraged to explore new flavors, recipes, and discover that healthy eating can be both pleasurable and effective for weight loss.

The Bottom Line

Weight loss is more than a number on a scale. Is SHAPE Reclaimed the right fit for you? Consider its focus on mindset, self-acceptance, and building healthy, sustainable habits. Your best path to weight loss starts with choosing a program that aligns with your goals and values. Contact us to learn more and see if you qualify for our services.

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