A Healthy Gut

The human body hosts many different kinds of cells, (bacteria, fungi, and viruses). We are a community of living cells. These cells live in harmony and can contribute to gut flora health when they are in the correct proportion.

From the time of conception cells multiple to form the gastrula. This gastrula houses many different pathogens,(bacteria, fungi, and many more). Another name that is used for the gastrula is the gut or gut flora. The gastrula is just one part of the microbiome but happens to be one of the most important areas of the body for optional health and wellness.

Gut Flora Health

Gut flora health is responsible for the immune system, brain chemicals such as serotonin, and dopamine to name a few, digestion of food and absorption of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids, and eliminating waste from the body.

Things that destroy gut flora health are antibiotics, chemicals (prescription drugs), Pesticides (GMO’S), smoking, and many more others. This is one of our main defenses to helping the body stay well and functioning properly. When the gut flora is compromise disease soon follows, causing anything from a leaky gut to and autoimmune disease.

How can we make sure the gut flora or micro biome is healthy? You start by eating healthy fruits and veggies that are organic, and clean, spring water (not tap water), and animals that are grass fed and not injected with antibiotics or vaccines, and exercise. At Intuitive Health Restoration, we work on restoring your natural flora in the gut, and any other issues the body many have during the healing process your body is making. A well around program works the best. One that cleans the gut, the organs, promotes drainage, and handles the neuroendocrine system.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take a positive step towards health restoration.

From the time of conception cells multiple to form the gastrula. This gastrula houses many different pathogens,(bacteria, fungi, and many more). Another name that is used for the gastrula is the gut or gut flora. The gastrula is just one part of the microbiome but happens to be one of the most important areas of the body for optional health and wellness.

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