The Link Between Inflammation and Weight Gain

Weight gain can be tough on its own. Not knowing why you’ve put on some extra pounds, and struggling to lose them is a frustrating experience. You’re told to “cut your calorie intake,” but you feel like you’re already not eating enough as it is. So what’s the problem? Inflammation is not often first thought of as a factor for weight gain. But there’s a link between inflammation and weight gain that might help you through your slump.
Inflammation and Weight Gain
Whether you’re perfectly healthy or not, everyone deals with inflammation sometimes. Maybe you’ve caught a cold, or you’ve experienced a food allergy; these are two things that may cause temporary inflammation. Chronic inflammation, however, is something your body is constantly dealing with. This is present to some degree in those who are experiencing weight gain. Weight gain produces added stress to the body, and triggers our sympathetic response, or “fight or flight.” When your body is in survival mode, the only goal is self-preservation. This can trigger issues like insulin resistance and leptin resistance.
Insulin resistance is your body’s inability to use insulin correctly for converting glucose to energy. Instead, it puts your pancreas in charge of creating more insulin which causes your blood sugar to go up. Leptin is the hormone that tells you when you should eat. When inflammation is present, leptin production decreases.
How to Combat Inflammation
Inflammation is exacerbated by various foods and everyday products. Your best course of action in combating inflammation is to limit your intake or use of these items.
Harmful Chemicals
There are harmful chemicals in our environment that we come across daily, things like pesticides that linger on our foods, cleaning products we use around the house, and even candles you burn to make your home feel cozy. Things that are normally acceptable can cause inflammation. Some everyday chemicals to looks out for include:
- Carrageenan
- BPA or Bisphenol A
- SLS or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate
- Fragrance
- Parabens
- Bleach
Inflammatory Foods
Foods with additives or that have been sprayed with pesticides can be inflammatory. Switching to organic produce along with limiting processed foods can help to reduce inflammation as they are filled with preservatives and other additives that are harmful.
- Processed meats
- Polyunsaturated Fats
- Foods with dyes
- Artificial Sugars (Aspartame, Splenda, Sucralose)
- Refined Carbs
- Enriched Foods
By reducing inflammatory stressors from your life, you may find you’re benefitted in more ways than weight loss. Inflammation drives a myriad of issues, from migraines to autoimmune diseases.
Reach out for more information.
Taking steps to clean up your lifestyle no matter how small will always be beneficial. At Intuitive Health Restoration, we work on any issues the body may have during the healing process your body is making. A well-rounded program works the best. One that cleans the gut, the organs, promotes drainage, and handles the neuroendocrine system. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take a positive step towards health restoration.